- - - - --
Have you seen this disaster ?
No ? Nothing to say about it ? Rrrrrrrreally ?
Ok, of course you're so pleased to see a topless model ! You like that, you kinky fellow !
Her wide green eyes, her perfect legs, her delicate and soft skin...
Her lovely round ass, her lovely tits, her...
Well. What was I saying ?
So, look at her closely now.

You see this frightened look ?
She's like a banana in front of King Kong.
All this because she has been caught eating...
A chocolate biscuit !!!
So, my dear, let's be generous. Let's fill up our Dior bags, our Chanel bags, our Louis Vuitton bags with...
Sausages and french stinking good cheese !!!
And let's got to the Paris Fashion Weeks to throw this food to models on stage while they walk !
Are you ready ? Fashionistas and fashionisters, everybdy with me !
This is our hymn ! Remember Cindy Lauper ?
- - -
Boost your bass and click here for the original version : move your body with Paulette. wow.



Boost your bass and click here for the original version : move your body with Paulette. wow.
21 commentaires:
OMG: "She's like a banana in front of King Kong." WHERE do you come up with this? Too fucking good.
J'ai cliqué sur la fille pour la voir de plus près, j'adore son nombril. Tu as un modèle ?
Thank you so much for your comment!
Oh paris fashion week have just started...my biggest dream is to be there one day!!
haha, j'adore !! So true :)
Je découvre ici c'est simpa ;)
How do you do it? How do you make me laugh my ass off with every post?
Anu, well, the french says "like Diana in front of VGE" and it sounds the english equivalent.
Mat, pour le nombril, non, je l'ai inventé.
Miriam, you could meet Paulette !
Fanette G, joli nom. Merci.
The Photodiarist, thanks and I learn a new and great expression "make me laugh my ass off". Very creative.
oh these are just fantastic!
l'avant-dernière photo - les cheveux fluo bart simpson - incroyable!
"girls just wanna have the biggest hair"
Nous t'avons reconnu petite soeur de Melody Nelson toute emmoustachée de chocolat ...
Les décalages entre ta VO et ta traduction sont assez étonnants, en effet ... Impossible à traduire, hein, les p'tit seins de bakélite ...
Je me joins au choeur d'encouragements. J'ai passé ma journée à manger et grignoter.(dont,et sans complexe, 5 tartines de brioche au nutella ce matin, à l'occasion d'un petit-déjeuner de départ ...)(oui ... cinq ...)
hahahaha this was really funny. i love the way you draw!
Haha, seriously, this is awesome! Maybe some of it gets lost in translation so I can imagine that it would be 10 times funnier in French than it is in English...YOU ROCK!
Oh and I cannot believe you are not on my following list, must amend that now!
daisychain, merci beaucoup
Sara Bara, maintenant que tu le dis... mais ce serait pas la petite sœur plutôt ?
Cécile, bravo, tu l'as reconnue. Pour la traduction, je m'étonne moi-même de ce que me sort mon logiciel de traduction. 5 brioches nutella, alors là... :-O (= bouche bée) Bravo, beau soutien à la cause.
Freja, merci bien, moi aussi.
WJ, non, you're luckier because french can't decode my writing.
Grâce à toi, j'ai foutu Cindy Lauper à fond les ballons et j'ai dansé comme une folle avec mon copain toute la matinée. Merci La Flore et La Faune !
La fashion week, je vomis, mais avec Paulette, j'en veux encore.
thank you! I just draw whats inside my head. a model in vouge or something..and then I guess my imagination takes over :)
Prisca, le pauvre...
Aninyme, beau slogan, tu devrais faire de la pub
Johanna, That's a great work
Mort de rire. Après l'attaque de PETA contre la fourrure, maintenant l'attaque franchouillarde à coup de saucisson et de fromage. Ell est bonne celle là!
Eclair, oui, voilà des armes qui ont fait leurs preuves ;)
ROLF - LMAO... au bas mot!
Bien vu, en tous cas.
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