
Sounds of silence


Love is wonderful. We don't need to talk anymore to understand each other.

What ? It's not because we actually have nothing more to say to each other ?

And that I just can't bear anymore to see your face when I wake up ?

And that I can't wait to break such a lousy relationship ?

And that I want to feel free to meet interesting people
who have a lot of things to say and who are great kissers ?

-Too bad I don't have the right interpretation...

12 commentaires:

The Anthology a dit…

Man, I can't even imagine the number of relationships where these exact thoughts are going through people's minds.

On a happy note, I with I had a real-life version of that sweater coat.


Anu a dit…

i wish i had that sweater too.

Mai-Lan a dit…

ben flûte, tiens.

Sophie, the Barton Girl a dit…

No comment...

la flore et la faune a dit…

*Kelsey, I could ask Paulette to knit that coat in a twirling way.

Anu, well it's not yet in the Paulette Boutique.

Mai-Lan, ben ouais, tiens.

Sophie, tu l'as dit dear. Très bien, la photo sur ton blog.

s a dit…

ça me fait vraiment pitié ces couples que je vois dans les restos et qui mangent sans rien se dire. J'aimerai leur dire mais pourquoi sortir dépenser pour vous faire chier :))

Annie Spandex a dit…

I agree with The Anthology. xx

The Photodiarist a dit…

The dilemmas of communication.

She's wearing a cute sweater, by the way.

la flore et la faune a dit…

Miss Gourmandise, mais oui, c'est terrible. Heureusement que les portables existent, ils peuvent faire semblant de ne pas faire semblant.

Annie, well, about the couples or about the sweater ?

The Photodiarsit : everybody loves this sweater...

Unknown a dit…

début de semaine difficile...y'a de l'eau dans le gaz. L'hiver est bien là, elle a mit son joli manteau, ça tiens plus chaud que l'amour parfois...

la flore et la faune a dit…

Céline, en voilà une réaction positive : je comprends mieux pourquoi tout le monde aime cette fringue.

la flore et la faune a dit…

Taru, thanks & welcome on board.