
Rhonda : Come and see...


ready to get nude and to xx-°;://xx (censored)

The Photodiarist m'a décerné le Over The Top award
et maintenant je dois répondre à une interview en 1 mot par réponse.
Alors je vais répondre moi, puis faire répondre Paulette.
Puis passer l'award à d'autres qui seront super contents de se creuser le ciboulot...
The Photodiarist just tagged me with the "Over the Top" award. I have to answer these questions with one word and then hand the award over to others.
Where's your cell phone: ocean
Your hair: yes
Your mother: rebel
Your father: cosmic
Favorite Food: risotto
Dream last night: tits
Favorite drink: wine
What room are you: lounge
Hobby: illustration
Fear: fear
Where were you last night: paris
Something that you aren't: human
Muffins: bof
Wish list item: house
Where did you grow up: books
What are you wearing: clothes
Your pets: Paulette&Rhonda
Friends: rare
Something your'e not wearing: mask
Favorite store: grandépicerie
Favorite color: warmred
Last time you laughed: 12 :10
Your best friend: jean-bernard
Place you go to over and over: reality
Person who emails you regularly: you
Favorite place to eat: table
Where's your cell phone: panties
Your hair: blue
Your mother: old
Your father: older
Favorite Food: caviarketchup
Dream last night: snakes
Favorite drink: parisian coffee
What room are you: bedroom
Hobby: drinks
Fear: water
Where were you last night: bar
Something that you aren't: sweet
Muffins: haha
Wish list item: Diordildo
Where did you grow up: bar
What are you wearing: fauxchanel
Your pets: Rhonda
Friends: Rhonda
Something your'e not wearing: Rhonda
Favorite store: polette
Favorite color: all
Last time you laughed: 1937
Your best friend: Rhonda
Place you go to over and over: bars
Person who emails you regularly: nobody
Favorite place to eat: bars
And now, I give the Over the top award to them. Let's hear you, guys :
36 commentaires:
ah les chipies ! elles ne s'attaquent pas au plus nul des street stylers, elles n'ont pas peur !
comme Paulette, j'ai hâte d'adopter les cuissardes, je suis en repérage depuis des semaines. Quand je les aurai je pourrai me la péter et peut-être que Rhonda passera par là avec son pola et me shootera pour son Paulettialist !
Your blog fills me with joy.
Joseph from New Zealand.
Hahaha oh that made me laugh so hard, you made my weekend! Marc Jacobs dildo...not too mention your illustrations are just stunning. I must must must visit your blog more often.
I loved your interview on Catherine Ashley Talks Fashion. I didn't know that you existed until today.
You have fabulous and very unique pieces.
Camille, tu me dis dès que tu les as, j'envoie Paulette et Rhonda illico !
Joseph Ernest, that's a realluy nice thing to say. Have a nice week-end.
WJ, anytime, you're always welcome.
Jane, thanks and welcome on board.
this is so funny! you are brilliant!
I see your name in lights!
Tout seul chez moi ce samedi soir, je tombe sur ton blog via un autre, gorsse crise de rire. Merci, car vu ce qui m'arrive, c'était pas gagné. J'ai parcouru tout le site depuis le début, c'est incroyable la différence entre les dessins. C'est oit qui les as tous faits ? Ou vous êtes plusieurs ? En tous cas j'aime beaucoup Paulette et Rhonda, et en particulier quand Paulette s'emporte !
The Paulettialist is my new favourite site. I love it!
Especially love her thigh-high boots. So styling, those two.
* Kelsey
Hey there. I really enjoyed your post. I hope you've had a fantastic weekend. Take care. Have a wonderful week ahead. Cheers!
Marian, my name in lights ? wow. thanks.
Samouraï, oui j'ai tout dessiné depuis le début : c'est vrai, le style change un peu. Sauf pour P&R...
Kelsey, don't be so jealous, you're quite stylish too. ;)
Keith, wish you a nice week too. Best.
e x c e l l e n t
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
hahaha I love this!
thank you for your lovely comment :)
you're blog is great :)
i adore the illustrations!
Oh -- your blog makes me laugh so much. I need to change my answer to last time laughed to say anytime I read your blog! It is superb. Simply superb.
Noémie K, m e r c i b i e n
Sara, alors d'accord.
Becca, thank you, welcome on board.
The Photodiarist, thanks again for the tag. And that's a great compliment from such an eye like you. Just tell me if you don't understand my english. ;)
how cute! ♥
I know not where to begin with how brilliant you are (I am sure by now you tire of my repetitive comments) - you are simply amazing!! One of my favorites, by far (:
I'll be posting the answers soon, so thank you for tagging me!
bisous, xx
Paulette, elle m'excite grave.
Very funny! Loved it!
hey. i'm only sometimes modelling. for fashiondesigners of my school. but its fun.
your comic is also fun!!really fabulous!
et voilà !
Siska, thank you very much.
La C. don't worry, I'm never tired with your comments. Never ;)
Gentil bulot, à mon avis, vu ton pseudo c'est réciproque.
Rosa, thanks for your kind comment. Cheers aussi.
mara, I guess it's fun. Wish you gret catwalks.
Camille, merci. A présent tout le monde sait que tu ne portes pas de chaussettes.
so fabulous! what a great post! Congratulations on your award!
Hilarious!!! Thanks so much for the tag :* :* :*
je suis sur qu'un blog sur des vieilles mamies stylées ferait sensation! Un Tavi version senior! bientôt en couverture de Pop
Iva, thank you, I have to wear my tux again.
Annie, great to hear you : you turned black & white ?
La Chauve-Souris : Paulette a toujours d'excellentes idées. Enfin presque.
I want chocolat too!
hahaha this is hilarious...i love it.
at work and the cubicle next to me just gave me an odd look because i was laughing;)
A house is on my wish list, aussi. I think Paulettialist is going to be BIG!
houhou, la Grande Lulusion m'a dit qu'on s'était ratés de peu, j'espère qu'elle t'aura fait goûter un de ses carrés ? Celui au gingembre n'est pas mal. wow.
Marisa, be careful he's jealous.
E, hope so ! And soon a signing in washington perhaps ? Sent you the OTT award too.
Charmante, la "pomme" sur le mac de Rhonda...
Avec P&R, c'est toujours frais et chic. Toujours.
Thanks for passing along the award! I wrote a limerick just for you:
There once was an illustrator from France
Who I bet wears really nice pants
Gave the Anthology an award
And proclaimed “Oh my word”
So I just wanted to say “thanks”
Well, I'm really moved, thanks. And you know I wear nice pants since the Sorbonne time, I guess ;)
Haha, this has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen on a blog!
Well, that's sweet, honey. Thanks. See you anytime here.
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