
sex shop spécial nuit de noces


Wedding Night Sex Shop

- My best sellers are : the lace handcuffs,
the vibrating bridal bouquet,
the aphrodisiac alliance wedding,

the marriage bed covered with male and female stripers,

the whining pillow
and the George Clooney mask.


Miss World


Miss World

- He told me that if there was a contest
for inner beauty I would be Miss World.
Isn't this a great compliment ?



Fumer tue


smoking kills

- That's right.
Since there is a law against smoking in public places,
I no longer go in my favorite bar, where I was seeing my friends.
So I stay at home. Alone.
And I feel like jumping out the window and kill myself.


Paulette et Rhonda participent au Summer Love Contest

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Merci aux milliers d'entre vous (ou presque... héhé) qui m'ont déjà répondu. Si vous voulez participer et gagner des cadeaux très Summer et très Love, tous les détails du concours ICI.
Alors, Paulette & Rhonda, vos aphrodisiaques favoris ?




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- I love when my cherish parrot Balladoux tells me porn words.
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- My greatest excitment is when I put my Jouy pajamas on...
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- What about you, my dear reader, my wet squirrel, my lovely flower ?
Tell me what turns you on, babe.
Just click on the Summer Love contest in the left column.
xoxo from Paulette, the hippest parisian lady.

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tribute to François Simon

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François, the incognito food critic
- François, how do you manage in restaurants ?
You have to hold your camera, your iphone, your pen, your papers, the fork, the knife... What's your secret ?

- I have an assistant under the table. She holds the fork and the knife for me.
Is my gipsy disguise all right ?
Do you think I have no chance to be recognized ?
Cos I need to get the very worst table in the restaurant. The one close to the john.


Le blog du vrai François Simon



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Yesterday I learned that a necktie is a substitute for a phallus.
Now I can't stand all these exhibitionnists everywhere in the street and at my office.


plus belle la vie


Wonderful life

- With my red nose, my life has deeply changed.
Now it's exciting, beautiful and full of laughters and joy.
It's like a multiorgasmic universe.


designer's days



- I love sitting in the Ball Chair.
I feel like I was the yellow of an egg, or a pip in an orange.
Or a
spermatozoid in a ball.


The Summer Love contest


Une seule question :

quel est votre plus formidable aphrodisiaque ?
What is your loveliest aphrodisiac ?

Envoyez-moi votre réponse par mail : un mot, un texte, un dessin, une photo...
Send me your answer : a word, a text, a drawing, a picture...

Résultats et prix le 20 juillet
Winners and prizes on 20th july


merci de votre participation



fashion & ethics




- My way of fighting against "Made in China"
is to knit my clothes with tibetan monks' hairs.


manhattan transfert




Alicia and her shrink

- (to her shrink) The only men I'm attracted to are bearded men
with squared waistcoasts and square cufflinks. They turn me on.

- I see...


dans le sac des filles


-what's in girls' bags ?

In my bag you can find some make-up, my iphone, my keys
and my husband's head, hands and feet I just chopped this morning
with a steak knife.


jamais jaloux





Never jealous

- I married a dumb and ugly woman I don't even love.
Just to be sure I'll never be jealous.